The teachings of ten year old boys (and certain bears and their condiments) The Beechworth Bakery Bears (Amazon Australia link) - 21/09/2022 I had an interesting encounter with a 10 year old boy, yesterday. This young man had recently taken a copy of The Beechworth Bakery Bears book to school - a 'show and tell' kind of arrangement, I suppose, and he was keen to inform me … Continue reading The teachings of ten year old boys (and certain bears and their condiments)

Waiting For Frank-Bear – Darlene’s Review.

I'm delighted to share a link to Darlene Foster's Review of Waiting For Frank-Bear. Darlene is an author of Young Adult/Children's books, who hails from Canada. You might like to get to know her, here. The Bears and I are truly delighted to know that readers far away from #Beechworth enjoy reading about their lives … Continue reading Waiting For Frank-Bear – Darlene’s Review.

Please release me . . .

Have just finalised the release date for the Bakery Bears book 'Waiting For Frank-Bear'. The two editions (hardback and softcover) will go live on 12th November. I imagine they will be available for pre-order at Amazon and the other on-line bookshops within a day or so. It's quite a relief to get that far, though … Continue reading Please release me . . .