analysis (in the end the flame)

if I
were to analyze
the world

I would begin
with water
running like laughter
over stones
at my feet

I would begin
with air
filling me up
with sky

the taste of a cloud
with every breath
I take

I would begin
the earth

brown dirt
I hold in my hands

the smell that will be
growing things

the beating of a heart
in the shape
of a garden

I would end
with fire

in the joy of life

I would analyze
the flame’s dance
across a log

I would end
in flame

Poem #503 from a series of poems drawn from the imagination and collected as: a Bachelard reverie.

10 thoughts on “analysis (in the end the flame)

    • I really enjoyed where Bachelard took me, Derrick.

      Interestingly, at this stage at least, I can’t find the same inspiration when I try to read him again.

      A strange confluence of inspiration and creativity.

      Glad I was there at the time.

      Liked by 1 person

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